Monday, August 16, 2010

Colorado Vacation

Jack and I took Lance with us to Colorado to see Jeric, Ana and David
and go camping in Rocky Mountain National Park.
What a wonderful trip!

We did lots of hiking......

.....and relaxing.

Lance was Mr Jr. Forest Range
and earned his badge to prove it.

    He caught a baby duck and climbed the rocks.


                                    Lance and David got to feed the squirrels.


  It was a GREAT time with
Jeric and his family.

LOVE Colorado!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Family Group Pics - SpringBreak 2010

Our Family at Spring Break 2010

                                                                    Nawni & Papaw

Jeric, Ana & David

Camille, Darryl  & Family
Tristin, Lance, Chloe, Jordan

All the Grands!

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Daddy

This is my Daddy.
Robert C. Rome
He received his eternal promotion July 16th of last year (2009) and went
to be with Jesus. Daddy was LOVE, just like my heavenly Father is,
and was the best dad in the world.
There's not enough words to express who he was to me and how
much I love him, but I just wanted to honor him today as he watches
over this beautiful family that he's left as a legacy, and tell him that
we love him and are so proud of the man of integrity that he was
and left us as an example for us to follow.
I love you, Daddy.

His Biography, Memory Movie & Guest Book